Sunday, December 7, 2008


Fluxus is a network of artists that is made up of composers and designers that are known for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s. They were seen as an intermediate group through their involvement with Neo-Dada noise music, literature, urban planning, architecture, visual art, and design. The groups’ early work explore the idea of chance in art. The Fluxus boxes that were organized with Geogre Maciunas. He was the one that gathered the printed cards, games, and ideas, then organized them into the small boxes. One of the ideas that was a part of Fluxus was that each person is their own composer, as well as the idea that art was created by the artist creating the work and “doing it” which was the art itself. Fluxus performances were usually brief and simple, which they called event scores. They were to be performances that sought to elevate the banal, to be mindful of the mundane, and to frustrate the high culture of academic and market-driven music and art.

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