Thursday, September 4, 2008


Krzysztof Kieślowski (1941-1996)
(director) was in the Polish cinema someone incomparable. He was the one who opend a trail for the others. One of those who is not afraid to ask universal questions as well as those inconvenient ones.
From his debut a man was the main focus of attention.
Man in collision with the society, with the power, with the System, with the environment, with the family and with himself. Man involved in contradictions, relations, conflicts. Man which must constantly make choices in world of value and has to take responsibility for these choices. Men presented with eternal aspirations to the freedom, the equality, the justice and searching for love, happinesses, understanding.
In all his movies Kieslowski display that there is some transcendence influencing the human existence, but the man completely a lost the ability of for feeling it, recognizing, and even called it.

well, finally we have small collection of his movies in our library!

look for DEKALOG(1989)(call nr DVD 2738, DVD 2739,DVD 2740) and THREE COLORS

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