Tuesday, October 14, 2008

martyna matusiak

Bit(t)er animated film, progress, aprox.5:00 min

Through photography, drawing, sound, video and three dimensional works, I create numerous story lines as auto fictions[i].
Auto - because of my intension, fiction - because of the execution. My “imaginary self” or narrative with in my work, close to writings of Dostoyevsky, or attitude of Sophie Calle, goes beyond my autobiographical concerns.
I construct unspecified environments with a single character in the main role, as a tool to amplify the human state, filled with desires, expectations and the continual need for safety and comfort.
My work addresses universal concepts of fear and control that exist in every aspect of life such as ordinary events or dull everyday actions. Through mimicking the actions of absurd difficulties or delight I bring into focus the ordinary features of life fulfilled with flashes of extreme joy or misery, pleasure and pain as one.
Close to an idea of mimesis my imitation does not signify reproducing an external reality, but expressing the inner one, to underline that stability and flux, safety and hazard sometimes are one and the same.

[i] Autofiction according to Joost de Bloois “coins no less than the artistic self as an instrument of critique: 'autofiction' makes 'critique' (be it historical or institutional) run parallel to investigations into imaginaries of the self.(…) Autofiction replaces the subject's isolation by the subjects multiplication. (in) Introduction. The artists formerly know as…or, the loose end of conceptual art and the possibilities of ’visual autofiction’ Image and Narrative. Online magazine of the Visual Narrative. November 2007

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