Polish sociologist, philospoher. born 1925.
"Fluidity" is one of key words of Zygmunt Baumana in reflection about contemporary world.
how Bauman is writing -"fluid life" isn't able to keep its shape or to maintain a stable route.
how Bauman is writing -"fluid life" isn't able to keep its shape or to maintain a stable route.
Anxieties, the uncertainty are one of his traits, triggered not only by the unknown -who it always been - but by the dizzying speed of change makes impossibile to keeping up.
After tragic experience of the 20th century, of which he was a witness, a victim and a participant, Bauman cautiously is coming to temptation to write out prescriptions and to create utopia. In his writing he never even assuming the ideology. He is rather representing an attitude, and a call for ethical behaviours; With the open thinking, the mobilization for fighting the injustice.
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